Wire Taps
Few subjects get a conversation pushed into third gear faster than the topic of wire taps. The nation is particularly aware of shenanigans employed by Edward Snowden and the ongoing turmoil resulting from his proclivity to spy and share—first from his desk in Washington D.C. and now from his place in Moscow. The Snowden affair first sounded like a plot line from a Jason Bourne book or movie, but the damage he’s done is far from entertaining nor is it a lighthearted matter to the American public.
Truth is, wiretapping is no longer exclusive to businesses these days. Surveillances on individuals of all walks of life are being undertaken by agencies and individuals regularly, and you may have no clue that you’re under the microscope even if you live a mundane life. But everyone can be a target for information snatchers and if you’ve a hunch you’ve already become the object of a wiretap, you should be concerned.
And while it’s not our business what anyone chooses to do in an effort to glean inside information, when one of our clients suspects that he’s the subject of a wiretap, our hackles go up. We’re sensitive about client privacy and don’t like secrets being shared with those who have no business reading personal data. In sum, you might say that we take it personally.
Nobody likes bugs—the four, six or eight-leg variety—so why put up with the two-leg kind when you need and deserve your privacy? Whether you’re worried about government, personal, business or other exposure being thrust upon your private life via a wiretap, we can handle it. But one warning: Hire our electronic countermeasure team only if you’re looking for seasoned professionals and don’t take our word for our expertise: We’d be happy to give you the names of clients whose homes and businesses we’ve swept. They’ll tell you that we didn’t take them to the cleaners for our services, either.
If you suspect a bug, call us at 817-773-1385 or send us an e-mail to book an appointment. We can give you a fast quote for thoroughly scanning rooms and instruments you’re most concerned about and rid your life of nosy critters, once and for all.
Dallas: 214-662-1006 | Fort Worth: 817-773-1385 | Houston: 832-260-8389 | North East TX: 903-941-1406 | Austin: 512-636-0242 | San Antonio: 210-381-0587
A-10084 IRT is licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety.