Dallas: 214-662-1006 | Fort Worth: 817-773-1385

Saturday night is the time when my phone rings off the hook.  I spend most Saturday nights out lurking around corners and behind my limo tinted glass.  This last particular Saturday night I was tasked with a most difficult surveillance.  I was in downtown Dallas at a well named hotel in the grand ballroom where there were thousands of single and the married woman that I was following.   The fact that I was in a tuxedo to fit in with the other penguins and I had a camera burried in my tie with the remote control in my hand gave me a lot of leeway.   The female of my clients suspicions was quite the attractive looker with her little black dress and those four inch spiked heals and was very easy on the camera lens.   When I arrived I used a GPS locator to track her cellular phone and bam ! there she was.   I took a few snaps and sent them to my client for verification reasons.  Moments later it was off the the races, she was moving like a nine year old in a candy store, working the room and boy what a flirt she is.  Stopping man to man and the nicer the tux the closer she got.  Working each guy as if he had a larger dollar bill glued to his forehead.   The night was young and the champagne was flowing with each flute she sized up several men stopping for  flirtatious conversation.   Gathering names and telephone number from each this is working the room like a real pro.  I thought to myself “does she have an alternative motive” “does she possibly have issues” the night was too young to make any assumptions.   After a few rounds of the working the room it was off to the private parties in the tower floors, getting on the elevator with her six times made me a bit nervous but nothing I have not encountered in the past.   As she went to each party in many different floors it was like keeping up with a teenage girl, party to party and room to room.   This behavior went on till about 1:30 am.   All in all I recorded her with about seven different men of different appearances and types and drew me to the conclusion that tonight was not a normal night for this woman, this case would take a few more nights of lurking and following around.  Possibly the men she met tonight would be the subject of dates to come in the near future, which if course would make for great video.   All in all I kept up with the woman for almost eight hours of running around and obtained quality video with seven different men which made my client quite happy.   The lesson in this is never assume what you think your cheater will do as they may have plans that you know nothing about.  If you have questions or you need me on a Saturday, drop me a line or call I am always happy to chat.